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Work Injury Solutions
Dr. Greg Weidlich
Training Solutions!

All training done onsite or remotely through videoconferencing.
Find your area of training need below. Example: Need warm up exercises? Find it below and click on the link. It will take you directly to the solution.
Training using the:
See it! Feel it! Own It!
People learn and retain more through active participation than just a lecture

Training New Hires?
Do you have new hires that you want to quickly train on the basics of ergonomics?
Ergonomics in 5 minutes
The ergonomics triangle
Basics of lifting
Good body mechanics
Proven warm up exercises
Warm Up Exercises?
Do you have associates that need warm up exercises prework and that can be done through the day safely?
Different kinds of exercises and effectiveness
Proven warm up exercises
How to implement the exercise program safely
How to get buy in and participation

Managing Workplace Discomfort?
Do you have team leaders, managers and safety teams that need training good and bad body mechanics and how to reduce related injuries?

Training Or Retraining on Ergonomics?
Do you have associates that you need to train on ergonomics?
Ergonomics in 5 minutes
The ergonomics triangle
Basics of lifting
Good body mechanics
Proven warm up exercises

Training On Correct Lifting?

Basics of lifting
The many ways to lift in particular situations
Training on Setting Up Your Workspace
Your body in the workspace
Setting up your chair
Desk space
Monitor, Keyboard and Mouse
Document placement

Fix Your Own Pain
What your body is telling you?
First aid advice
Effective manual self therapy
Helpful exercises

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